You need to provide permission to delte this file.  (inetpub and its subdirectories)
You need to provide permission to delte this file. (inetpub and its subdirectories) a)
November 5th, 2009 7:46pm

Hi, What file are you trying to delete? Sometimes we cannot delete a system file as it is a protected file. You can try following steps to take ownership of the file and try to delete it again. 1. Start > Run > type "cmd" (With no quotes) 2. Type: takeown /F <File Location> /R /D y Note: <File location> means the exact location such as C:\Windows\example.exe. 3. Click Enter on the command to run it. 4. After it finished, type: icacls <File Location> /grant Administrators:F /t 5. Click Enter again. Now test if we can delete the file.
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November 6th, 2009 8:21am

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